Yes, you should go to a shop for windshield replacement. Why do we encourage all our customers to visit an auto glass shop for their windshield replacement? To protect themselves! For your safety and the safety of the passengers in your car, always take your vehicle to a specialized auto glass shop when you need windshield replacement. Improper repairs in the field can lead to shoddy workmanship and dangerous results.
For example, if the auto glass technicians at Lucky Dog remove a windshield and find rust, we fix the damage. The existing rust is grinded down to bare metal, treated with acid that converts the metal to a removable substance, then a chemical is used that burns off surface contaminants and surface agents. Any contaminant from the process is burned off. Then we use a primer that is carbon-based, like our adhesive, that protects the metal from rust and gives a surface to bond the glass to the vehicle. That’s quite a process!
If the metal isn’t treated properly, it could be exposed. Exposed bare metal oxidizes and rusts. For the process to be completed properly, it takes time. We do one step, wait for it to be completed, and then come back to the treatment. Our shop has the equipment, time, and space necessary to complete auto glass repairs and installation properly.
If and when something goes wrong with your windshield installation, will the company who installed your windshield be accountable? Our shop is open, you can call our business phone number, and you can come in during business hours. We are present and available to hear any questions or concerns.
When you come to Lucky Dog Auto Glass, you are entrusting your car to a team that has years of experience and a focus on completing the job correctly. We are accountable for our work and always happy to answer any questions you may have. When you need a windshield replacement completed right the first time, come see the experts.