Car Colors: Most and Least Popular

Man Choosing Color Of His Car With Color Sampler.

When buying a new car, how important is car color? Does this factor into your decision at all? Perhaps you’re curious to know what car colors are popular these days, and which ones aren’t so high in demand? You came to the right place—we’ve got the facts!

PPG released its annual automotive color popularity report, revealing that white is (still) the most popular automobile color chosen by new-car buyers today. In fact, white is chosen by 35 percent of shoppers—more than any other color combined!

After white, buyers tend to choose drabber colors—or less flashy colors—including grey, silver, and black. As such, the next time you’re on a busy road or highway, take a look around. Chances are high that you’ll see fewer blue, green, gold, and red colors. You can even take a quick inventory of a busy parking lot to observe the most and least popular car colors.

Additionally, PPG’s report showed other interesting information, like two-toned colored cars are making a comeback. Blue is also a consistent choice throughout North America. Yet, today, the color tint tends to lean more towards a slate color, which is really just gray. Green is trying to make a slight comeback, too.

Outside of North America, especially in South America, Asia, and Europe, there are even less colorful automobiles.

Of course, car color is extremely subjective. Purchasing a car is a big, expensive investment, and you should choose the color you want—not what is or isn’t popular. That being said, you may have to wait in order to get your favorite car color. Finding it on the lot is often difficult.

Contact Lucky Dog Auto Glass Today!

Regardless of car color, if you could benefit from any sort of auto glass repair or replacement, Lucky Dog Auto Glass is here for you! You can rely on our skilled and professional team to take care of your glass needs—big or small. Contact us today at (253) 569-9403 to schedule a free estimate. We look forward to working with you.

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