What To Do If Your Car Is Broken Into

Broken car window

If your car has been broken into, we know how stressful that situation can be. It’s never pleasant to have your vehicle vandalized. If anything has been stolen, such as a purse, cellphone, or laptop, it can be even more traumatic as you worry about a thief going through your personal items. You may be unsure what to do in the moment. That’s OK! This is a tough situation that you probably haven’t experienced before. That’s why we’ve compiled this list to share helpful steps to do after your car is broken into.

Alert the Police. If your car has been broken into, it’s important to call the police. They may be able to help find the culprit or your lost item. If nothing else, you will need a record of the break in for your insurance purposes. Relay what has happened to the authorities, ask them to make a report of it, and get a copy of the police report as well as the number of the report.

Shut Down Your Technology. If your cellphone has been stolen, contact your provider immediately and deactivate your mobile phone. This will help prevent any cyber theft, identity theft, and the thief using your cell phone – possibly pretending to be you. If your laptop has been stolen, change all applicable passwords on websites and software programs. Your computer has a lot of information about you. Try to log out of any websites and programs remotely as soon as possible.

Snap Photos. Take photos of the scene before you begin cleaning up. That way you have proof, if you need it for any reason.
Check the Car Thoroughly. Be sure to note everything that was stolen from the vehicle and any damage. Don’t just look at the broken glass. Has the door been forced? Are there rips to the upholstery or dents to the body of the car?

Get Your Car Repaired. Lucky Dog Auto Glass works with your insurance to ensure your auto glass repair goes smoothly. It’s never pleasant to have your car broken into. Get your fully restored vehicle back quickly when you bring it to Lucky Dog.

Start Replacing Your Stolen Belongings. Be sure to keep receipts for all replacements. Create a spreadsheet of stolen items, note how much you paid for the replacement, and keep all receipts. Discuss reimbursement with your insurance.

A car break in is never fun. By following these straightforward steps, you can be on your way to repairing your car and getting back on the road. If you need any assistance, call Lucky Dog Auto Glass.

4 Ways to Prevent Car Break-Ins

Nothing can completely prevent a car break-in. Unfortunately, a person can break a window, vandalize the outside of your car, or cause other havoc to your vehicle regardless of the actions you take. However, there are 4 key ways to make your car less appealing to a thief.

  1. 1. Be sure to always lock your doors and close all the windows. Don’t make it easier for a burglar to get into your vehicle, so be sure to double check your vehicle when you park it.
  2. 2. Park in a well-lit area. This is not only safer for your vehicle – it’s safer for you! If it is after dark or your car will be in the area after dark, try your best to find a spot that is well-lit. It’s ideal to park in a well trafficked area where people can clearly see if someone is rummaging through your vehicle. For example, under a streetlamp or near an open storefront.
  3. 3. Remember to activate your alarm system. If you have a security system on your vehicle, either standard or after market, be sure to turn it on when you leave the car, even for a short period.
  4. 4. Do not leave your purse, laptop case, or briefcase in your car. These can attract thieves for smash and grab style job. Also, don’t move your valuables into your trunk when you get to your destination. A thief may observe you hiding your purse or other valuables and target your vehicle for a break in. Put all valuables in the trunk before your drive to your destination.

Follow these tips to protect your car and valuables. While nothing can completely prevent a break in, these steps can help make your car look less attractive to potential thieves. If a break in does happen, get your glass fixed as soon as possible to detract further vandalism. Lucky Dog Auto Glass helps car owners fix their windshield, back window, or car door glass after a break in. If you need help with your auto glass, call us today.

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